Need a smart strategy to save on essential school supplies? Planning your dream vacation or gearing up for the holiday season? With a club account, you can save for essential school supplies, exciting vacations, and joyful holiday celebrations, making your financial goals more attainable and stress-free.
What is a Club Account?
Unlike traditional savings accounts, club accounts are designed for specific savings goals. You build your savings by making regular deposits. After a period of time, your money will be transferred to an account so you can go on that vacation shop for the holidays.
What Types of Club Accounts are Offered at Merrimack Valley Credit Union?
MVCU offers club accounts tailored to meet your savings needs:
Holiday Club: Start saving now to alleviate the financial stress of the holidays. Withdraw your savings before you start shopping and avoid high credit card payments in the new year!
Vacation Club: Dreaming of your next getaway? Planning your dream vacation just got easier with our Vacation Club account. Whether you’re dreaming of a tropical beach escape, or a cross-country road trip, this account lets you turn your travel aspirations into reality by setting aside funds specifically for your next getaway.
Back to School Club: Ensure a stress-free back-to-school season by planning ahead with our Back-to-School Club account. From school supplies to new clothes, this club account lets you save gradually so that when the first bell rings, you are financially prepared.
Our club accounts are designed to empower you on your savings journey.
Learn More About Our Current Club Account Rates
Category: Saving & Investing Money
Need a smart strategy to save on essential school supplies? Planning your dream vacation or gearing up for the holiday season? With a club account, you can save for essential school supplies, exciting vacations, and joyful holiday celebrations, making your financial goals more attainable and stress-free.
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