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Home / News & Financial Education / Ways to Save on Utilities This Summer
Ways to Save on Utilities This SummerBy merrimack on 7/1/2024

Ways to Save on Utilities This Summer

As temperatures rise in the summer months, so do our utility bills. However, with a few mindful practices, you can keep your energy costs in check, while staying comfortable at home.

Adjust Your Thermostat Temperature

During the summer months, try to set your thermostat a few degrees higher than you usually would to save on your AC bill. Investing in a programmable thermostat that adjusts automatically can help you save energy both when you’re home and away. Additionally, closing your curtains during peak sunlight hours can prevent excess heat from entering your home. Regularly cleaning your AC and replacing filters can ensure it operates efficiently, helping you maintain a comfortable and cost-effective environment.

Master the Art of Grilling

Grilling outside during the summer is not only a fun and delicious way to cook, but a great way to save on your utilities. By cooking outside on the grill, you avoid using your stovetop or oven, which can generate excess heat and cause your AC to work harder, leading to higher energy bills.

Air-Dry Your Laundry

Harness the power of the sun and hang your clothes outside to dry. Eliminate energy costs by using a clothesline or drying rack instead of an electric dryer. This can lead to significant savings during the warmer months. Additionally, air-drying clothes can reduce wear and tear on your garments, extending their lifespan and helping you save money on replacements.

Maximize Your Water Heater’s Efficiency

Water heating is generally the second highest energy expense in households, and accounts for about 18% of your home’s energy usage*. While many water heaters come preset at 140 degrees, adjusting the temperature to 120 degrees can still provide sufficiently hot water, while lowering your energy consumption. Additionally, adding insulation to your water heater tank and pipes can help minimize heat loss, ensuring your water stays hotter for longer periods while using less energy.

By incorporating these energy-saving techniques into your summer routine, you can waste reduction, enhanced efficiency, and substantial savings that will help you save money year-round! Every small change adds up to a big difference.

Need help managing your budget? As a member of MVCU, you have access to free financial counseling through GreenPath Financial Wellness.

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By merrimackSaving & Investing Money